Venom came from an alien being called a "symbiote."
Name: Eddie Brock
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 210lbs
Age: Early twenties
Pesonality: Revengeful
Popularity: Has a few friends -PROFILE- Disgrunted journalist Eddie Brock joined with a symbiotic "living costume" whose hatred of Spider-Man matched Brock's own, to become Venom. Now Brock uses his super-strength ability to cling to walls and his power to generate orgainic webbing as the self-styled "lethal protector" of the innocent. |  |
Carnage is the spawn product of Venom.
Name: Cletus Kasady
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 205lbs
Age: Early thirties
Pesonality: Insane
Popularity: Has a few friends -PROFILE- Serial killer Cletus Kasady was once incarcerated with Venom, where he became infected with the spawn of Venom's alien costume. This new symbiote fed off Kasady's madness, merging with him to become the deranged pychopath Carnage. Brutal and choatic, Carnage lives only to kill and his favorite victim is Spider-Man! |  |
HobGoblin "Money is all that counts"
Real Name: Jason Macendale
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 155 lbs
Age: Thirty something
Pesonality: Greedy
Popularity: Mercenary Jason Macendale adopted the costume and weaponary of the Hobgoblin after murdering his predecssor, Ned Leeds. Now, equipped with incendiary pumpkin bombs, razor-sharp throwing bats and electrostatic finger blasters, the Hobgoblin glides throught the night, seeking wealth, power, and revenge on his nemesis Spider-Man.
Green Goblin
Green Goblin is Harry Osborn's father..
Real Name: Norman Osborn
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 185 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Reddish Brown
Other Distingushing Features: Apart from wearing a green latex outfit and jetting around on a goblin
glider, none.
Origin: After having his business partner, Professor Mendel Stromm, imprisoned for embezzling,
Norman Osborn tried an experimental formula of Stromm that blew up in his face. He nearly died,
but discovered that the formula increased his intelligence and strength. It also drove him insane.
Plotting to become leader of the underworld, Osborn created his Green Goblin personae and
decided to establish his reputation by killing Spiderman. He came close but failed many times.
Devising a compound that would weaken Spiderman's spider-sense, he followed the Web-slinger
undetected. Snatching Spiderman while he was in his civilian identity of Peter Parker, the Goblin
carted him back to a secret hideout. There he revealed to Peter his own secret identity. During the
battle, the Goblin came in contact with live wires, which seemed to jolt him into partial amnesia. Since
Osborn had no memory of his criminal past, Spiderman let him go. The amnesia, however, proved
temporary. Osborn several times regained the memories of the Green Goblin and, knowing
Spiderman's own secret identity, came after Parker each time. The final time, deciding the direct
approach wasn't working, the Goblin kidnapped Gwen Stacy, Parker's girlfriend, and killed her.
Although Spiderman came close to exacting the ultimate revenge for this act, he pulled back before
killing the Goblin. The fight may have continued, but the Goblin was accidentally impaled by his own
goblin glider. Numb with shock, his son Harry Osborn removed the Goblin's costume so that the
arriving authorities found industrialist Norman Osborn, not the Green Goblin, dead. His secret
identity was thus preserved for many years after his death. |  |
Doctor Octopus